While pursing her heart’s desire of pre-medical school in 2001, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Mrs. Walker’s educational plans were derailed with a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. Five years later, disease progression left her with absolute absence of sight in both eyes and completely incapacitated. This lent to the longest year of her life while fighting for as much recovery as was possible. Fortunately, abilities returned to almost normal and minimal permanent optic nerve damage.
Immediately after the year in crisis, Mrs. Walker returned to University to complete professional education.
As of today, Mrs. Walker holds a Bachelor’s of Science in biology with a minor in environmental science. The culmination of her tenacity and hard work paid off when her undergraduate research on an embryological study of a rare and threatened species of fish was published in a peer reviewed journal. Click to see article (under her former name, Gretchen Walker). I would be remiss if I did not point out that in having her undergraduate science research published in a peer reviewed journal, Mrs. Walker presented this research at an annual science symposium to an auditorium of academic professionals. Years later, she completed a Masters of Arts in Leadership, and a Life Coaching certification. Mrs. Walker has more than 22+ years experience in service, where she has guided individuals suffering from life crisis circumstances, trained and lead youth in community service, and worked to raise awareness of various health conditions and for charity events.
Lastly, she has more than 15 years experience in public speaking where she has presented on personal development at churches, shelters, and public venues; emphasis on surviving hardships with good coping mechanisms, informative on health issues, and motivating individuals to action for personal development in their own lives. She guides with an overall emphasis on mindful living.
Mrs. Walker's strengths are both academic and growth through personal experience with a strong foundation in faith.
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***Medical Disclaimer - This website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Before starting any kind of new physical workout regimen, first seek approval from a licensed medical provider. If you think you may have a medical emergency, dial 911.
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